Hunting Blinds: What To Look For
Aug 10th 2018
Hunting blinds are a popular and effective way for hunters to disguise themselves while hunting. Blinds also provide moderate shelter from weather, meaning hunters can stay out longer and later than they could without protection, and they also shield hunters from being seen by their prey. When you’re in the market for a hunting blind, you may not be sure what elements you should be looking for in your purchase. We’ve compiled a handy guide for things to pay attention to while shopping.
- Construction. A well-constructed blind will stand up to years of wear and tear, which means you can hunt in it for a long time. Pay attention to whether or not the blind you purchase has been constructed with multiple wall panels to secure warmth, insulation, and noise reduction. The quality of materials in a blind goes a long way towards its lifespan.
- Windows. Be sure to consider how the windows in your blind function. Can they easily be slid open with one hand? Are they silent when opened? Do you have plenty of room to shoot your gun and bow? It’s important to consider the functionality of your blind’s windows when making a purchase.
- Doors. Similar to windows, your doors should be relatively silent in a good hunting blind. Your door should be easy to operate, function well in any kind of weather, and be sealed for scent and water.
- Space. A lot of the time, hunters looking to purchase a blind are planning to have multiple hunters using the blind at once. Be sure your blind has plenty of space for you and your hunting buddy to comfortably maneuver your weapons and personal space.
- Noise. Hunters know that noise reduction is the most important element of a hunt. Your blind should be silent so that noise isn’t amplified while it is in use. Be sure to check that windows and doors are sealed both for sound and scent. A well-constructed blind is insulated, which also helps to reduce noise.
When you’re looking for a new hunting blind, come visit us at Kauffman Lawn Furniture and check out our selection of ground blinds. We’re happy to answer any questions you might have and get you in the perfect blind this season.